The musical tradition of the universal Church is a treasure of inestimable value, greater even than that of any other art. Catechism of the Catholic Church 1156
Liturgical Music of St. Boniface
Music is important at St. Boniface because it is an integral part of the liturgy and worship. We are blessed to have a dedicated SATB adult choir as well as trained cantors and musicians to help lead the liturgical music.
Saturday, 4:00 p.m. Mass – Cantor and organ
Sunday, 8:00 a.m. Mass – Cantor and organ
Sunday Spanish Mass 9:30 & 12:30 Cantor & Guitar
Sunday, 11:00 a.m. Mass – Cantor, organ and guitar
Mass settings currently in use at St. Boniface include the Mass of Redemption, Community Mass, the German Mass, and the Praise & Thanksgiving Mass.
The St. Boniface Choir of 13 members represents a well-balanced SATB ensemble. Repertoire includes the hymns and sung Mass parts, as well as works ranging from ancient chant and medieval motets up to more modern compositions and contemporary repertoire. Rehearsals are held each Thursday, September through June, at 7:30 p.m. New members are always welcome.
The main organ in the rear gallery was originally installed in 1927 when the church was new. It was built by Austin Organ Company of Hartford, Connecticut, and included two smaller antiphonal divisions in each of the transepts. In the 1990s, a slow but steady effort was begun to repair, renovate, and update the organ, including incorporation of the transept ranks into the main organ in the gallery. The renovation was completed in 1999, and the organ now boasts three manuals and 57 ranks and is voiced in an unmistakable European style. On the main floor is located an Allen ADC-7300 three-manual, also of 50+ stops. Both organs are used regularly to help lead the congregation in sung praise.
The Music at St. Boniface has endeavored to present programs of larger sacred works at separate Sunday afternoon concerts in the church. Approximately three programs take place each year. Past programs have included local college and university choruses, a professional vocal ensemble, a community chorus, boy choirs, guest organists, and others. Guest musicians have come from as far as California, France, Germany, and South Africa. All are welcome to attend these concerts.