Even though St. Boniface was born in England in 673, he is known as the Apostle of Germany. This is because the spread of Christianity among the German tribes of Central Europe was largely due to his efforts.
Boniface was ordained in 715 and became a teacher of languages and Scripture. However, he longed to be a missionary to the German people, and finally he received permission to do so.
An example of his efforts to eradicate pagan superstition is when one day he chopped down a “magic” oak tree worshipped by the pagans. The people saw that their many pagan gods could not stand up to this one Christian missionary.
Boniface eventually became bishop of Germany, and through his work, the faith spread, and the Church was renewed in spirit. Despite his many converts, he was killed by pagans in 754.
St. Patrick was born about 385 in the area of Britain. At the age of 16, he was captured by Irish raiders and sold into slavery. In his suffering, he found God and learned to pray. After six years of hardship, he finally managed to escape and return home.
Patrick studied at various monasteries and became well versed in Scripture. He was ordained about 417, and appointed a bishop around 432. During these years, he never forgot about pagan Ireland. In a dream, he heard “the voice of the Irish” calling him back. Eventually, he was able to return as a missionary to the land where he had been a slave.
Through his tireless and peaceful efforts, many converts were made to the Christian faith. He baptized thousands of people and erected hundreds of churches or places of worship.
Patrick died in 461 and is the patron saint of Ireland.
Charles Borromeo (Italian: Carlo Borromeo, Latin: Carolus Borromeus, 2 October 1538 – 3 November 1584) was the Latin archbishop of Milan from 1564 to 1584 and a cardinal of the Catholic Church. He was a leading figure of the Counter-Reformation combat against the Protestant Reformation together with St. Ignatius of Loyola and St. Philip Neri. In that role he was responsible for significant reforms in the Catholic Church, including the founding of seminaries for the education of priests. He is honored as a saint by the Catholic Church, with a feast day on November 4.
El Senoir de los Milagros
Lord of the Miracles
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